Even my gut is sexist?

"The Gut Gap" - as the campaign is called - humorously expands the famous "Gender Gap" to include digestive problems.
Matthias Schäfer
Matthias Schäfer
illustration of a pharmacy brand-bottle hold by two women

It may come as a surprise, but women are twice as likely to experience constipation. Miralax, a brand of laxatives, is on a mission to raise awareness about ‘The Gut Gap’ and the struggles that women face with constipation. To help spread the message, the brand has enlisted the help of the comedic duo Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer, known for their roles in the sitcom Broad City.

The GutGap Logo

Three aspects make this case special:

Firstly, the insight of the "Gut Gap" is based directly on research results. A survey by Bayer, the parent company of MiraLax, found that stress is a constant companion for many women, with 47% experiencing it daily and 84% at least once a week. And, as if that wasn’t enough, stress can cause constipation. But wait, there’s more! Two-thirds of women feel even more stressed when they’re constipated.

So "The Gut Gap" is definitely a great transfer of research insights to a strong creative idea - even if it may be difficult to digest for some. 

Secondly, it's worth watching the really funny video. In the whimsical commercial, Jacobson and Glazer share a lunch in a nice Diner. Jacobson, with a look of consternation, confides in Glazer about her constipation. In response, Glazer whips out MiraLax packets from her bag and proceeds to enlighten Jacobson that women struggle with constipation much more frequently than men.

Jacobson, clearly taken aback, exclaims, “Even my gut is sexist?” She continues, "Women work so hard propping up the entire infrastructure of the world, but then we have to fight for equal pay and now we have to fight for poop equality?"

The protagonists were given a free hand in creating the script and dialog, so that the style of the sitcom is continued exactly. And, of course, they are a perfect fit for the target group, which is growing into the typical "user age".

abbijacobson instagram

Thirdly, the campaign was continued via all possible digital channels. The protagonists posted on their own social media accounts. The website combines the humorous approach of the video with solid study results. And everything is celebrated on the usual paid and organic social media channels.

Overall a humorous take on a serious issue. This campaign playfully highlights the absurdity of gender disparities, even in matters as mundane as digestive health.

Image Source: Instagram

What is our takeout?

Studies may sometimes seem boring. But when their insights -as here- are transformed directly into creative communication that goes straight to the gut, they become a powerful weapon. 

You want to talk about it?

E-Mail: Matthias.Schaefer@cocomore.com

Phone: 00491604714953


Unser Experte

Matthias Schäfer

Matthias Schäfer

Menschen mit Marken verbinden – das sieht Matthias als Kern seiner Arbeit. Endkunden zufriedener, Marken stärker und Unternehmen erfolgreicher machen. Er hat ein Herz für Inhalte, die Resonanz erzeugen und Nutzerlebnisse, die Mehrwerte schaffen.

Bei Cocomore bündelt er die kreativen Teams unter dem Motto „Agile Creative“: Kreatives Momentum trifft agile Haltung. Er schätzt crossfunktionales Arbeiten im Dialog mit Data, Strategie und Development. Während seiner über 15-jährigen Agentur-Karriere betreute Matthias Kunden u.a. aus den Bereichen Konsumgüter, Telekommunikation, Mobilität und Energiewirtschaft. Seine Arbeiten wurden vielfach ausgezeichnet – und er mag Musik mit meist übertrieben lauten Gitarren.

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