This edition of the camp existed of of 3 days full of knowledge, with more than 42 interesting sessions on 4-5 different tracks. Sessions were in English and Spanish, and covered several key topics such as DevOps, Backend, Management and many more. To sum it up, it’s been an event open to anyone interested in keeping up to date with Drupal expertise.
This year, we were honoured to hold 4 sessions during the event. Curious to find out what we talked about? Here’s a brief summary.

Diseñando sitios Multimarket & Multilingual: Una vista en profundidad en el backend - (Designing Multimarket & Multilingual sites: An in-depth look at the backend)
Jose Luis Bellido
This session is the part II of our session “Managing a world wide master rollout based on regional multimarket, multi-language portals in Drupal 9” from Drupal Con Prague 2022. This time we focused entirely on the technical side, where we’ll see how we used the Domain ecosystem as an approach for multilingual/multimarket projects.
A Layout Paragraphs journey: Drag and dropping components in landing pages, and how to shake without stirring
Daniel Pavón Pérez
This talk explored the usability of the Paragraphs module in Drupal, showcasing its first requirements and extensive customisation options for creating flexible landing pages. It compares this approach to other alternatives, addresses potential challenges, and supplies real-world examples to illustrate its effectiveness. Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to build dynamic content structures with Paragraphs in Drupal.
Aprendiendo a usar Webforms - (Learning how to use Webforms)
Gabriel Pollner
Webform is one of those modules that you will use in your projects for sure, given its huge potential to define and customise Contact form or event registration forms on Drupal.
In this talk we will cover everything you need to know doing your first steps. At the end of the session, you will be aware of a new world of possibilities waiting just around the corner.
One doesn't simply walk into a management position -what I learned during my journey from dev to CTO
Manuela Meier
It is said that the best sessions are those where the speaker shares their own experiences with the public, and this is one of those.
Ela shared her path to becoming CTO, starting as a developer, and covering the key points which helped her on this long journey.
We would like to give a shoutout to the organisation team of this year’s DrupalCamp. It was a blast!
Follow us on our social networks to learn more about us and Drupal Camp Spain.